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 Latin Translations

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Female Taurus Snake
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Favorite Epica song :
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PostSubject: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 3:05 am

From The Phantom Agony album

Adyta (The Most Sacred)

O nate vulnerate
Cito veni ad me
Te amplectar et vulnera tua lingam
Utinam te haberem, mi amor caelestis

Oh the one that was born hurt
Come to me quickly
I will embrace you and lick your wounds
If only I could have you, my heavenly love

Illusive Consensus

Primo somniare videbamur
deinde veritas se praecipitavit

Numquam non tibi diffidam

First we seemed to dream
Then the truth warned us

I will never trust you

Façade of Reality

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit

Macula aeterintatis
Numquam detergenda
Quisnam surget et deteget
Imaginem veritates

O servator, sempiterne
Te grati coluimus
Odor atrox quo nons superfundis intolerabilis est

My blood not yet will be drunk by you

A mark of eternity
That should never be wiped away
For who will rise and unveil
The facade of reality

Oh, saviour, eternal one
We have worshipped you thankfully
The terrible cloud that will cover us is unbearable

Seif Al Din (Sword of Faith)

La Illah Illallah, Mohammed rasul Allah

There is no God than Allah and Mohammed is his prophet

The Phantom Agony

A te spiritus noster devoratur et nostra anima capitur

Our spirit is devoured and our soul is captured by you
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
Join date : 2009-08-26
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 3:11 am

From Consign to Oblivion album

Hunab K'u (The Origin of the Universe)

Numquam remotiores ab origine
Media parte mundi
Funditus aberramus

Ultimim excidium sui

Never very far from the origin
In de midpart of the universe
We completely get lost

Its final destruction

Dance of Fate

Novas portas pandimus
Novas portas pandimus, et post nos occludimus

We open new doors
We open new doors, and close those behind us

The Last Crusade

Magna culpa nostra
Poena danda nobis erit
Usque ad finem dierum

Ad finem temporum

Our guilt is great
We wil have to be punished
Until the end of days

Until the end of time

Another Me "In Lack'ech"

In Lack'ech

You are another me

Consign To Oblivion

Oblivisci tempta quod didicisti

Try to forget what you have learnt
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
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Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 3:45 am

From The Divine Conspiracy album

Indigo (In Need)

Quaestio nostra est aeterna
Ultima requies fons vitae
Sed nos eam novam existimemus

Our search is everlasting
Final rest, source of life
But we value it as new

The Obsessive Devotion

Fortuna exprimitur artibus falsis
Et mendacem memorem esse oportet

Adoratio permanebit
Quotiens me eges, adero

Venia ad vitam aeternam
Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis

Fortuna mutua coniuncti
Per tota saecula futura

Venia ad vitam aeternam

Luck is formed by misleading means
And the liar has to be remembered

The adoration will stay
Whenever you need me, I will come

Longing for eternal life
Not for me, not for you, but for us

United by faked luck
During whole centuries that are to come

Longing for eternal life

Chasing The Dragon

Dolendo novit mortalis vitam
Dolendo discit mori mortalis

By suffering a mortal came to learn about life
By suffering a mortal learned to die

Living a Lie

Oratio Fatima

DOMINE Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferni,
perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas,
quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent.
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

Fatima Prayer

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of Hell.
Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fools of Damnation

Et fictum fit factum

Ne timeas obscurum
Id autem cognoscas

Ne timeas obscurum
Primum id cognosce
Deinde iudica
Post iudicandum demum age

And a lie can become a fact

Do not fear the dark
You recognize it through

Do not fear the dark
First recognize it
Then judge it
After judging you must finally act

The Divine Conspiracy

Quaestio nostra est aeterna
Ultima requies fons vitae
Sed eam ut novam ducemus

Our search is everlasting
Final rest, source of life
But we value it as new
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
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Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 14, 2010 4:02 am

From Design Your Universe album


Solve mentem a molestis
Mentem ad concretum dirige
Unum e jhanas intra

Free your mind of troubles
Direct your mind to the concrete
Enter one out of the jhānas

Resign to Surrender

Terre eos vi
Perde eos vi
Nobis imperium

Nobis victoria

Non plus ultra
Nec plus ultra

Frighten them with might
May you be exalted
Destroy them with might
Power for us

Victory for us

No further
No further

Martyr of the Free Word

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
et lux perpetua luceat eis

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them

~ From The Roman Rite liturgy

Kingdom of Heaven

Non intellegens nil explicas
Videre nolens nil capies
Non intellegens nil explicas
Incognita non vides

Lacking understanding, you explain nothing
Unwilling to see, you will grasp nothing
Lacking understanding, you explain nothing
You do not see the unknown

~ Sahasrara
~ Bardo Thodol

Design Your Universe

Ipsum te reperies
Potire mundorum
Potire omnis mundi

You will discover yourself
Become a master of worlds
Become a master of the whole world
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Female Aquarius Pig
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Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2010 4:07 am

Thanks a lor for posting the translations Gosia! I knew them all,except the ones from DYU Very Happy Did you translated them yourself or do you have another source?
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Fool Of Damnation
Fool Of Damnation

Female Scorpio Rooster
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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 15, 2010 5:51 am

Thanks for posting Gosia I love the latin choruses Very Happy <3
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Female Taurus Snake
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Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 2:04 am

You're welcome. Smile

@Cris I got them from different sources, yet I've been checking most of the words myself anyway. Razz
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Female Aquarius Pig
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Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 2:10 am

Oh that's cool Smile.Thought,I notrced there are less latin lyrics on DYU....
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Female Taurus Snake
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Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 16, 2010 10:58 pm

^Yeah. Seems like The Divine Conspiracy has the most latin lyrics.

I hope Epica will never stop using them. Smile
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Female Aquarius Pig
Posts : 4695
Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

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PostSubject: Re: Latin Translations   Latin Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 17, 2010 2:10 am

Neighter,I that's what makes them unique Smile

I mean Tristania also had latin lyrics,but they stopped usiong them since Ashes Sad
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