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 Interview with Mark( Metal Katehizis,2009)

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Female Aquarius Pig
Posts : 4695
Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

Interview with Mark( Metal Katehizis,2009) Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Mark( Metal Katehizis,2009)   Interview with Mark( Metal Katehizis,2009) I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 5:23 pm

I just found a bulgarian interview with Mark.I translated it via Google Translator,but it's not very accurate but I hope you will understand something Smile
Original link :
Quote :

Epica Simone is not without Epica
Nelly Interview "Florimel" Lozanova with Mark Jansen of Epica
Simfonik metal from Holland Epica, led by the charming ognenokosa frontdama Simone Simons, issued his first concert DVD in May, only a few weeks ago out their new album "Design Your Universe", the successor of the highly successful "The Divine Conspiracy" (2007) and which bring them worldwide fame, a few days and rotates their new video for the song "Unleashed", a sextet is on tour around Europe continued to North and South America. "Metal Katehizis" contacted the founder of the group, guitarist Mark Jansen, days before the premiere of the new album to talk to him about the explosion in climbing the career of Epica, messages in the music and writes his philosophy of life, the universe and everything.

Metal Katehizis: Hi Mark, nice to hear. How are you feeling this evening and how to do these days?

Mark: These days I have been very busy. I'm tired but I am very happy that we finished our new CD. I am delighted by it and eagerly look forward to go on tour a few weeks because this is my favorite. Until now it was firmly slog, but rather are the best. For me the tour is like a vacation, so we can say that rather go on vacation.
On the official site you saw many dates for Western Europe, USA and Canada. Are you likely to come to Eastern Europe and in particular in Bulgaria? Maybe next year?

Yes, this European tour is pretty short. This year we face and concerts in Latin America. Purposely made only three weeks European tour. Have not seen the list of shows, but we have planned and more dates in December as we will in Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela. So next year will certainly make a second European tour, longer than that. Agent depends on us, but I hope to have many more dates in Eastern Europe because I've heard that we have a lot of fans there. Will certainly predictable concerts in your area.
Your group is named after an album of Kamelot, and vocalist Simone you worked with them. Roy Khan did a guest in your records. What is your relationship with Kamelot personally and professionally?

Yes, we have quite Relations Kamelot. Simone is the girlfriend of keyboardist, so that it is the most obvious. Furthermore, we were touring with three boys and all the times it was awesome. Roy Khan sang in one of our albums and Simone - two of the albums of Kamelot. There are many among us. I often write and email-Tomas. Sometimes ask him about some things related to music, because it has much more experience than us and sometimes he does have issues, such as merchandise for European companies, and turned to me for advice. You could say that they are much more than friends for us, we are pretty close. First of all I respect them a lot as musicians. Make great albums of the scene for so many years ... great group.
Let's talk about your concert edition called "The Classical Conspiracy", which came out in May 2009 in the form of a double CD - one CD is of your own arrangements of classic tunes, while the other - music of Epica, performed live by Symphony orchestra. How do you come idea of such a record? Tell me and implementation because, I guess it's not been easy.

Yes, that was his major project. The idea was a promoter of Hungary. He contacted us and invited us to play a festival in Miskolc, organized by him. The previous year, this promoter was organized similar show with Therion in the festival and that all were impressed, so decided to continue with that concept. Even as we heard we were met with enthusiasm, because for us it was a dream come true to play with big and professional orchestra with choir. The work was serious and took many months to prepare - to write music, to revise our songs in sheet music for classical performance, to rehearse with the orchestra - but ultimately, when we play a lot of fun after all this work. And now, having released their CD-it, I recall those pleasant emotions. It is typical for me to listen to our music, but this CD is often in my player because it sounds great and brings me many good memories. I'm glad we took that risk. Worked hard but definitely worth it.
Got a favorite song from this album, or more?

I very much like a Vivaldi piece and the theme from "Pirates of the Caribbean. Actually, I like how you get all the classical part. Especially songs in which cock Simone - her voice perfectly fit the classic tunes such as "Ombra Mai Fu". Compositions of our most loving how you get "Chasing The Dragon". I am amazed by the sound work, which ended Sascha [Paeth, producer of the Epica, worked on albums for many power metal bands and simfonik, including Kamelot, After Forever and Avantasia - author's note]. It is easy to mix with the orchestra group, but he is doing great.
Worked with classical orchestra and classical musicians, but playing the guitar. Do you have a favorite classical instrument?

I love the cello because of its warm sound. The face is my favorite classical instrument, but I like violins and, more generally, strings, ha ha. The only disadvantage when playing with cellos and violins, is always something that sounds slightly fake, but it has some charm.
Let's talk now about your latest album called "Design Your Universe". Tell me about the concept of the album. In other interviews you told, for example, that the idea of "The Divine Conspiracy" is how God gives people different religions and observe how they interact with them; "Consign to Oblivion" does not apply to Maya ... what is the idea of "Design Your Universe"?

The idea of "Design Your Universe", in general, is that if many want to achieve something, it is possible. I strongly believe that if you work hard and shaping the desires, they become reality. This is the meaning of "Design Your Universe" at a glance. But there's more - and we bet the idea that man must take responsibility for things that make him feel bad. Many people complain about situations that make them unhappy and blame them for everything and everyone except themselves. Instead themselves must take responsibility for what happens to them. If you are not satisfied with a situation, first look at yourself - where you are received correctly, where you are wrong, what you can change. It's easy to point a finger around, but the reasons for what happened you can always find in myself.

I also believe that people in general, and humans and nature are interrelated. Whatever you do, you come back. I wrote about it in the text of the song "Kingdom of Heaven". There is developed the idea that consciousness is the foundation of the entire universe with my mind that we have created everything around us so that, literally, with my mind gives life to the entire planet, our entire world. This is an interesting concept that is recently confirmed in studies of string theory. Consciousness is a great power - can create and destroy. Until recently, people do not realize what might have thought there were even theories that people will be turned into machines, but thought would be only marginal function, but in my mind is the foundation of everything.
Cover of "Design Your Universe" is interesting - could you tell me who the author is and what her idea is put into your work?

The author says Heilemann, a woman meditating and meditation are all able to open doors to them closer to the real you and help you understand who you are and what you are. I myself meditate, often before going to sleep and sometimes meditation goes straight to sleep, but this is not a problem. Meditate to understand how my thoughts work, how to interpret them and what actions to take.
* Epica
I can not ask you - what do you think will happen on December 21, 2012?

Ha ha ha! This date is known of the Mayan calendar is actually the date on which this calendar ends in 2012 I'm not a supporter of apocalyptic theories. Some people have such notions - that there will be a big upheaval and everything will be destroyed. I think 2012 is just the end of a great Mayan cycle, and thereafter could not provide anything. This does not mean that there will be nothing. I believe that humanity will be able to live up to the next level of consciousness. Nowadays everything is developing apace, people can do things that they could not before. People who have stalled today, will have difficulties to move to the next level in 2012 but nothing is certain ... I think that will definitely happen, and I think it will be some more positive developments.
Your inspiration for writing music and lyrics include the Mayan culture - already talked about - and have pretty lyrics and song titles in Latin. What are the influences on the last album of Epica? Can you identify books, authors or films that have impressed you recently?

Yes, I read a lot lately about near-death experiences. I read piles of books on the subject and particularly impressed me one, which are discussed research on the experiences close to death (PBS) in children. It is not that small lie, and you can not hear those stories from other people or to have invented them - but children also have PBS, which is evidence that such a phenomenon exists. I believe that if children talk about it, it is true. Interested and quantum physics and new discoveries in the field. Furthermore, I read and biographical book on Jose Arguelles, entitled "2012: a biography of a time traveler. This man is the creator of the "Dreamspell" - the Mayan calendar. Arguelles has an important role in promoting this ancient culture. I wanted to learn more about it, because I respect him - no Arguelles would know almost nothing about the Maya. I was curious how he lived his biography and found out he was a man like us all, not a saint - that is done mistakes many people make in their lifetime.
Mark, you're the main creative engine - the Epica founder and author of many texts and music. But how involved other members of the group in creating your new album? I know that Simone also wrote part of the text ... Tell me more about your creative process.

It is true that most of the songs I write, at least as a basis and idea, but I must say that all contribute to the outcome, each in their own way - as Simone herself wrote her vocal parties and shared with me his writing text 50 50. Coen Janssen [keyboardist of Epica - author's note] this time wrote a lot of material - write three songs, more than ever made. Yves [bassist - author's note] wrote a song, and Arien van Weesenbeek, our drummer, wrote half a song. The rest is mine. But all together we worked on the pieces put some finishing touches. For example, our new guitarist, Isaac, to do some work with me on guitar, they developed and wrote not a few solos. So everyone gave her the album and I think without the participation of each album the band would never get as good as actually is not granted when an album is written by one person because their comments and contribution of other who say "it's okay, this - no, are extremely important. We like that. Sometimes it is nice to hear that something you created, do not like, but the way things are - we do everything necessary to make us great songs.
You are a big fan of film music, especially the works of Hans Zimmer ...

Did you ever soon a film whose soundtrack is a lot you liked?

Do not contrive to watch movies lately. I had a lot of work on the album and left me time for movies. Let me think though ...
Probably will soon come across something exciting.

Yes, as I have time, will watch less movies. Generally do not watch much. Sometimes I do it for landing and rest. But think about it, what a movie? Actors who play on one screen. I have always said that people watch too many movies and begin to live in a fantasy world. So I prefer the documentary film, especially science and popular - for example the North Pole or the Amazon jungle. I love those movies.
In my documentary cinema can not boast of epic music, but perhaps you will be a pioneer in this area and will write a dramatic soundtrack to a documentary tape ...

Do you ever shoot a good film about nature, which needs an epic soundtrack, let me look! Why not - if magnificent natural images, combined with awesome music, this will reinforce. Yes, can I write music for a more popular scientific film.
You are already written music for a film, but as far as I know, never been particularly fascinated by the way your work has been treated and the final outcome. But from that was born one of your albums - "The Score". In the future you are planning to create more active film music or waiting for someone to give you a query?

Well yes, generally accepting applications at this stage but am super busy with other stuff and do not need such a project to earn money. I get a decent income group is doing quite well. But if you have the chance to work on the music of a film, I tried. Currently does not actively seek such opportunities.
* Epica
To talk about touring and travel. He told me that tour for you are like vacations. When you're on the road but not on stage, what you love to do?

Always a pleasure to see the cities you visit, and if I have more days in a row without concerts, make their long walks in nature, as in the forest. I love to swim, so if you have a free afternoon while I'm on tour, searches close pool in which to topna - swimming for me is like meditation, I feel like I do not care, I think, just swim. This is a very loving and cycling. I have a sports bike and ride with him many miles when I got this opportunity. These are things you do in your free time outside the scene.
Is there a city or a place to visit and remember especially live? They may be impressed the audience at the concert you there, or the atmosphere of the town ...

Only once I was in Rome, but fell in love with this city - the ancient buildings and always fair weather. For me, Rome is special. I really like and Paris, and Prague ... I like places with rich history and culture. I can walk the streets and they imagine how people have lived there centuries ago.
Tell me what are your guitar heroes - the musicians who have inspired you when you started playing the guitar.

One of them is John Petrucci from Dream Theater - great guitar! When I was a small example for me was Slash from Guns N 'Roses. In my early teens Guns N 'Roses were terribly popular, but Slash been so rock n roll and looked so cool on stage ... so that when I was younger, he was my big idol.
Do you remember when you first started to sing death metal vocals and how it happened so chose this style of singing?

It was a long time ago, I think it was in 1998 - was in After Forever, a man who was responsible for death metal vocals in the group left us. I had a dilemma what to do - to seek alternate or we try? Well tried and decided that we can meet and do not need an additional person. So it all started - Sander Gommans did roar, I shouting, nowadays I already do both - growling and screaming. But I think the possibility to get more people to shows, to be able to do both types of vocals and live. Isaac is doing a roar, drummer Arien too. Arien even death record some vocals for this album.
If ever, for any reason, stop doing music, what would be done?

Ha ha ha! Several times I asked that question, but I can not imagine life without music. Music exists and it is my passion. Can you imagine someone to take your passion? Remains a huge gap. Of course, there always will be what to do, but music is my big love, do not even want to think that it can not. That would be a huge stress for me because music is like therapy - everyone needs something to help him cope with stress. For me it's music.
If your music is anti-stress therapy, what causes you stress, then?

Music business and that thus make a living. Many things are stressful - after the show there are many issues to be video filmed in the period records must be implemented within a period that should have that ... what has not, except the music itself. Composing music, playing it live - these are wonderful things. But there are days in which to get time for a concert in a traffic jam, for example - and all those who have nothing to do with music itself, but cause stress.
I think I remember one case where you have probably been subjected to enormous stress. I do not know whether it is appropriate to remind you of that period last year, when Simone was sick and had to seriously continue its tour with Amanda Somerville. How do you stop to it for a replacement Simone?

We were promised of Symphony X for several months that we will be on tour with them and hopefully by the time Simone to be okay, but just before the tour, she said she still was not feeling well. I had to figure out a solution - Symphony X waiting for us, and left too little time to replace us with another group. But Amanda is very professional deal with the task of replacing our singer. However, this was not true Epica. Epica Simone is not without Epica. We hope this does not happen again, because this period was a black page in the history of the band. Every group goes through hard times and it was such a hard time for us, but fortunately we support one another and not even a moment accused Simone, because she did everything possible to recover. When healed, we were all very happy that he left to restore calm and do not squeeze. Finally we were rewarded with wonderful concerts with Simone and I am happy that we gave her the necessary time to heal.
Finally, we will ask you to turn a few words to the Bulgarian fans and readers of our website.

I would like to say that I sincerely hope to come to Bulgaria next year. During our previous tours we have met with our Bulgarian fans who had traveled to the Republic and Hungary, to watch us live. And they promised that one day we will visit your country as soon as we have opportunity. I hope next year is yet, but if not, it will be within two years for sure. I can not imagine two years we have not played in Bulgaria. So Get a little patience will come.
Thank you, Mark, and I hope to see you soon. Will look forward to new album Epica. It was a pleasure talking to you.

For me too.

I nerly cried when I read that John Petrucci from DT is Mark's guitar hero :') I knew that Mark is a DT fan but oh well... Very Happy
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Interview with Mark( Metal Katehizis,2009)
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