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 Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly

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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
Join date : 2009-08-26
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 3:22 am

Ok, so here's my "little" story about my very first Epica show I went to.
Read it all, or don't even start. Wink

I went to Poznan by train and got there around 12.30 pm, and then I was waiting for Monica to arrive at 13.10. Monica was the very first internet friend of mine whom I was going to meet in real life. And it was really great to meet her, I was happy I can finally talk about my fav bands with a real person right next to me. Wink She's also a big WT fan. But anyway. When we met we directly headed to the venue. Originally we planned to go there and see where it is exactly and just get familiar with it all and then go to get something to eat but when we got there... I spotted the Epica tour bus! My heart started to bumping fast! We went along the tour bus to the front of it. And then... Yves showed up from the other side of it; he got out for a cigarette. And that's the moment from which I've been in shock for like a week. Ok. As Monica smokes too, after a while of fangirling we decided to go and chat to Yves. I was sooo nervous I barely could talk! It was a short but nice chat, though when I think of it now, I probably just made an idiot of myself. ;P And in this shock we of course didn't ask for a photo or an autograph. *sigh*

After Yves got back inside the bus we went to the main entrance on the other side. There the ReVamp and Kells tourbus was standing and all the ReVamp/Kells boys were putting out all the gear to the club. After a while Floor showed up! We said hello and said we can't wait for the show and she was soo nice for us. Smile But for the second time our brains refused to work and we didn't ask for a photo. :/ The doors to the club were open and we thought let's go in! So we did. There was no other fans yet but us. Inside the club we started to look for a toilet as Monica had to go, but we couldn't find it so we asked the ReVamp/Kells boys (I feel bad I didn't recognize them, really dunno any members of ReVamp and Kells except for the singers...) and they showed us the way. xD The club was pretty small. We decided not to go anywhere as all the bands were already here! We sat on the sofa right in front of the doors leading to the hall where the show was supposed to take place. I was little worried that someone will tell us to leave but fortunaly no one did so far.

After just a while we saw Arien going out from the backstage! Shock again! He saw us, smiled and said hello! HE! Not us, he spoke to us first! The shock I was in started to grow. Razz We said hello too, but we were in big shock so yeah... XD He sat on the other sofa. He was doing something with his in-ear monitoring or something like that, dunno actually. XD Then..he took out his toothbrush and went backstage again. ;P After a while, he got out again and this time we got to talk to him. We had a little chat, he asked us why we're here so early. Razz And this time we finally manage to ask him for photo. Smile (But I haven't asked for an autogrpah though :/) He was really so nice to us! Then he had to go. But after a few minutes he showed up again with Coen carrying boxes with the merchandise I suppose, we asked him if it's heavy but he smiled to us and said it's not. Smile We were watching all the people taking care of the gear and all the stuff, and suddenly we heard drums from the hall. Epica's soundcheck was about to start!! I didn't even dream to hear their soundcheck! We have seen most of the stage from our sofa, so it was amazing! And then...I saw Mark on the stage with his guitar!! I think my heart stopped at that moment! I was looking at Mark! Surprised The song started to play, in this shock I couldn't recognize it but after a moment I knew it was Menace of Vanity. I was like..omg, are the going to play this?! And then...was the biggest OMG of all OMGs... SIMONE'S VOICE. Then SIMONE HERSELF. ON STAGE. ME DIES. I'm seeing Simone, real Simone, some meters away. I couldn't believe it. And her voice... it was unbelievable. I wanted to do pics, but we decided not to, as someone would not like it and throw us out of the club and that was the last thing I wanted! Ahh. They played Fools of Damntion then, and with this I was sure they gonna play it tonight as well! And that was one of the songs I wished to hear so I was soo happy! Smile They also played Resign to Surrender and Design Your Universe (this moment I felt a bit dissapointed as I wished for Kingdom of Heaven but quickly I told myself NOT to complain!!!) And soundcheck ended. Eventually they played all those songs except Menace.

Ah. Maybe after 15 minutes later Arien got back again and came to us! We told him that the soundcheck was great, and he asked us if maybe we're the persons who won the tickects from the contest. After a little chat again he also asked us if we maybe want something to drink!! We was like ummmm...yeah, would be nice. ;p We were so shocked! XD He asked us what would we like, and brought us two cans of coca-cola. Wink He told us to enjoy the drink and said he gotta go. He was sooo nice! I actually always thought Arien is shy and quiet but he is so open, warm and kind person. Smile Thank you Arien for those moments. Smile

Another 15 minutes or so passed. Monica went out for a cigarette with one of the crew guy from Kells. I was sitting alone and saw Isaac coming out from the backstage... Isaac, omg. I got paralized. Monica left me and I felt like I couldn't move or say a word! Isaac went twice along the 'corridor' in front of me, and I even wasn't able to say Hello! I felt so stupid! Sad When Monica got back I started to panic I did fool of myself cause I didn't speak to him! She tried to make me calm down but it was hard. lol But there he was again and we both came to him asking for a photo. He was nice, but must have thought I'm crazy, or that I simply don't like him as I didn't speak to him before. Sad It makes me sad now that he really might have thought so, but I was just in such shock... We also asked him for an autograph. Monica had just a promotional leaflet so he used my pen I brought, but I gave him my DYU copy and he said he need to go for a special pen for it. I felt even more stupid...that he went for a pen for me when I didn't even say hello before... Sad Eh. We thanked him a lot, had a word with the crew man he was with and got back to our sofa.

Some minutes after a man (he was polish, maybe he was the owner of the club or something) asked us to leave and wait for the show outside... Grrrr. But ok, I met some bandmembers, saw Mark, Simone, soundcheck..couldn't complain! We went outside the back doors where the Epica tourbus was. It was like 5pm I guess. We were standing alone with Monica, no other fans yet. Then we met one girl who looks like Sharon den Adel (seriously, even Mark told her that twice). She said she met Simone some time ago before the tourbus and she hugged her! Ah, we were in the club at this time ...but ok. Like 4 new people came over too. And then we saw Mark!! We called him, and he came to us! Smile I couldn't help but staring at him. Surprised And I was speechless. Having Mark in front of me just meter or two away was just heaven. <3 I was going to ask Mark some things, but when I actually saw him I couldn't say much... I felt like I was under a spell and couldn't do anything but stare at him. Ahh... Actually I expected him to be taller, but anyway he's the most gorgeous man. <3 And so so nice. Smile He chatted with us for a while. One fan asked him if he could ask Simone to go out too...he said he can but the fact if Simone will actually go out is another thing. And I can't remember what exactly but we talked about Simone more and someone from the fans said Mark is in love with her...well not that directly, I can't remember well the conversation I just remember words "he's in love with her" and that Mark didn't deny it but just was laughing. Surprised Ok. We took pics with him, and then he said he have to go to get something to eat. And what was left for us was waiting. During that time we got to hear short Kells and ReVamp soundcheck. Waiting was loooong, and it was cold outside. But eventually the time had come.

Show time. I managed to be the first row, just in front of Simone's place. Actually the right side of her fan, Monica was just in front of it. The hall was small and there was no barriers in front of the stage so we were just there having our hands on the stage floor. I had to have my head up high all the time to see the singers but having them so close was so worth the pain afterwards! We spotted there were hair in the fan, and Monica took them for me as we thought those are Simone's hair, but it turned out if was Floor's fan first, and so I had Floor's hair. XD Had, cause they just disappeard in my bag then. Anyway. First came ReVamp of course. Floor was AMAZING! After this show I gotta say I love this woman! She's not only fabulous singer but also a very nice person. ReVamp rocked and the crowd enjoyed their performance a lot! Then Kells. They rocked as well!! I don't understand French, but their music is soooo great! I will definately listen to them a lot and follow their career after this gig! The singer is great too, she is a really an amazing performer and she interacted with the crowd so well, I hold her hand for a while. Smile We were so close that sometimes I had ther face just above mine (and then Epica's boys too Wink)

So yeah. The most important part now. EPICA. I felt a little tired already after Kells, but when I heard Samadhi starting to play I suddenly felt like in heaven. This was my dream coming true. I can't even describe the joy and happiness I was filled with during their performace! Frist Arien got on stage then Coen. People were staring to go crazy. Razz Then the rest of the guys and BANG! Resign to Surrender kicked off! I was truly in heaven. Mark's grunts sounded so perfect! And...and... Non plus ultra! The Voice. The Simone! I felt like my eyes won't be able to take all this beauty in front of me! She looked more wonderful than ever! I was lucky to see the new outfit with my own eyes, and it was stunning. She also made her hair curly like for Pinkpop. Goddess. She sounded so lovely too! And her smile melted my heart. <3 Ah. Simone. Just in front of me. She looked me in the eyes while the RtS chorus and saw me singing it too. Smile She also was taking out her hand to the fans like the Kells singer, and I hold her hand TWICE! She has the most adorable palms ever! <3 Unfortunately my photo camera I borrowed from my friend decided to die after first Epica song, so not much photos. Sad I was so squeezed by the crowd behind me that I wasn't able to get to my phone to make some more pics with it. :/ Anyway. Then traditionally they played Sensorium and then Fools of Damnation. Smile Mark was throwing the water from the bottle to the crowd, I got a litte wet too. ;P Then he throw the bottle and one guy started this little 'fountain' on the stage too, it was just a little, but it got Simone too, and she got angry.. Well I can understand her, but on the other side, when you throw the water on the crowd why not on the band too? :/ Anyway, she got her good mood back soon and next songs were Unleashed and MOTFW. My Unleashed. <3 I did feel free at that time indeed. It was such a special moment for me. Then the mighty Cry for the Moon. I enjoyed singing along so much! During the heavy part Mark just got in front of me, had his head above me and looked right into my eyes! *me dies* He smiled and screamed YEAH to me! Wink I also bumped fists with Mark, but don't remember during what song. Then it calmed down for a bit with Tides of Time. It was even more beautiful than on the album... Mark also said to us that we're fucking loud and are the loudest crowed so far from this European tour. Made me smile. And scream louder. Wink Then they played Blank Infinity. Was very fun. Smile Isaac got in front of me and Monica, it was really hot in there and the drops of his sweat landed on me. XD Coen enjoyed himself a lot too, he was really rocking behind his keyboards. Then the metalfucker came! Wink The Obsessive Devotion was definataly a highlight for me, love this song so much!! And after that they played Design Your Universe. Then a break. We shouted Epica, Epica...and Coen came back on the stage and talked to us a bit. He also said we're the loudest crowd so far. And after that they played Sancta Terra, Quietus and of course Consign to Oblivion. And this ending song was another highlight for me. My fav Epica song, means so much to me... it was an epic eargasm to hear it live! I couldn't believe that it was over when it finished... Slowly the band started to say bye. Arien saw me and Monica, and went to us with his drumstick, people were pushing us so much and all those hands above me, I wasn't able to reach for the drumstick but Monica did. That was just so nice he decided to give one of the drumstick to us. Smile The other one he threw to the crowed. Then Yves came in front of me as there was the setlist and started to unstick it, I asked him if I can have it, and he gave it directly to me. Smile Isaac threw the guitarpick too, and the bottles, towels, but I didn't manage to get anything more.

I went out from the hall totally enchanted. After a while Monica was already gone with her other friend, and I stayed to hunt for more pics and autographs. Only saw Mark. Got an autograph from him and another picture. Wink Again, I wasn't able to chat much to him. :/ Maybe at the next gig it will be better, cause this first time was a total shock for me. ;P
I also bought myself an Epica tshirt. And then my dad called me he's already waiting for me in the car and that we gotta go. But...I haven't met Simone... Sad Couldn't do anything, I had to go. I really wished for taking a pic with her but yeah... maybe the next time. Yet it was quite of a trauma for me as I got to know the other day that Simone did go out to the fans, just for a while, but still she did, and I already wasn't there...
Generally, what was happening with me the other days after the show is another big story. I cried. I cried a lot. This show might have been one of the most emotional moments in my life, if not the very most one. I wasn't able to look at anything related to Epica without crying, so I didn't even want to go online till now. It's better now, the very first big shock is behind me. Still it was the most amazing, most percious time in my life that I will never forget.
Thank you, Epica.



Kells lady

Arien's drums are waiting for him

So does Simone's mic




Epica bye bye

Me and Mark I love you

Me and Arien

Me, Isaac and Monica



My Epica tshirt
It was hard to take a pic of me and make the shirt visible, so here you have a pic like that too:

The coca-cola can I got from Arien. I will never ever throw it away! Razz

My pen with which Isaac signed Monica's leaflet
Yeah, I know I'm crazy to show you this XD

And me and Monica

Kells setlist -belongs to Monica

Pics from the show I posted here were made by me and some by Monica (her camera died fast too...-must have been some kind of conspiracy...)

If you got here to the end, having read it all and seen all the pics - You're THE BEST. Smile

Last edited by magnoly on Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Female Aquarius Pig
Posts : 4695
Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 1:30 pm

GOD.I'm speechless.

Then I calmed down and started to read.It seems so amazing you could met the boys one by one,and I really imagine the shock XD But Mark.YOU'VE MET THE MAN!!!I a could DIE to be in your place!What did you asked him?Did you told him to marry you/And hell,please tell me you kidnapped him for us :XD:And seeing you nearby Mark makes me soooooooo jealous Laughing .And also Floor.I think it was amazing to met this amazing woman live Smile And I laughed about the Kells lady and you don't even know her name XD

Oh-kay.And now tell me how did you watched the soundcheck from the backstage? :O Or at least I dont get it because you wrote that you and Monica stayed on a sofa Suspect .The show seems amazing!And they plaayes FoD and MoV,I would kill to see those live,plus Tides of Time<3.Didn't they also played Design Your Universe as far as I've read.And please:WE NEED THE SETLIST Wink

And did you just said the you didnt took many PICS?Are you kidding me?I think there's more than I have taken at my Epica gig Razz

Oh and how I love your t-shirt .It really fits you my dear Smile And believe me,I also took a pen at my Epica gig and even thought I havent got signed stuff,I still love it to death!I always write bwith it..BECAUSE IT WAS THERE! In Love

Anyway I'm so glad you had fun,met the bandmembers,even thought without Simone,but I'm sure she noticed you because you were at front,so that still means A LOT Wink

I'm also happy that you met Monica,and please bring her us on the forum<3

I still can't breath!.I loved you review so much.I cant wait to see Epica live again,maybe next year hopefully Smile
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Facade Of Reality
Facade Of Reality

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Favorite Epica song : All of them!

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 5:02 pm

What an great review! Very Happy I'm so glad you had fun, seeing them live is like an spiritual experience. Oh and i loved the pics! Mark is wooow.
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Blank Infinity
Blank Infinity

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Favorite Epica song : Almost every song from tPA and CtO + Fools of damnation, the Obsessive Devotion and tDC

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2010 10:45 pm

wow wow wow!!

I saw your review yesterday but didnt have enough time to read it...Today I started again from the beginning and I must say day its awesome that you met them!!It is so nice that you met Mark,Arien,Isaac,Coen and Yves In Love You heard FoD!! *envy* Your pics with Mark are amazing <3 And about the shock-I know what you're thalking about because it was absolutely the same with me when I met them Very Happy i wish you to have more experiences like that one Very Happy
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
Join date : 2009-08-26
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 12, 2010 12:50 am

@Cris aww I know, but it has been really a huge shock for me, I simply couldn't go online cause seeing anything related to Epica made me cry (more). I didn't expect it to be that huge. Seems Epica has even bigger influence on me than I thought.

Ahhh Mark, this man is truly perfect. I haven't asked him anything I planned to ask!!!! I just talked about the city, and then generally about the stuff with the rest of people. I was too shocked. Razz
But I hope it will be better next time, and I will chat more. Wink
Yet I am soooo happy I have a few pics with him. Having him so close, embracing, was divine. Smile

Oh yeah, Kells lady, yh I just don't know her name indeed. Razz

Yep, we saw the soundcheck from the sofa, it was on the other side of narrow corridor in front of the doors that led to the hall, so through these open doors we directly saw the stage.

I posted the pic of the setlist, Cris. You didn't watch them all, huh? Wink
Here's this pic again
And of course encore then: Sancta Terra, Quietus, CtO

Thank you, Cris, I love my tshirt too. Smile

Oh yes, I hope she remembers me, as I wrote she looked me in the eyes, and I touched her hand twice. Very Happy

I told Monica about our forum but she doesn't like such stuff ...

And thank you Cris, for reading and all those words. I also hope to see them again! Definately won't miss a show in Poland, and maybe one day I will even go abroad to see them. It's just soo worth it. Smile

Also thank you Eetu and Francheska. Smile I really hope too for all of us to see them more times. Smile
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Female Aquarius Pig
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Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 2:19 am

I have checked all the pics but it seems I missed that one Rolling Eyes

And if you touched her hand that doesn't mean you actually met her,Lol XD And how much did you stay with Mark?i still eblieve it was quite a short time becauser I bet there were a lot of fans around him Razz
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
Join date : 2009-08-26
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 8:55 pm

It was like 6 of us, and he stayed chatting with us up for 10-15 minutes.

This is the tour report of ReVamp

Poznan starts around 3min. I spotted myself once though I believe it might be hard for you guys to see me there.
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Female Aquarius Pig
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Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 7:40 pm

Thanks for posting. Smile

And Gosia,I think I spotted you at about 4:27.But I'm not very sure...
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Female Taurus Snake
Posts : 2670
Join date : 2009-08-26
Age : 35
Location : Poland
Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 9:10 pm

I don't remember the time now, just keep looking at the left side of Floor's fan, I should be right there. Razz
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Female Aquarius Pig
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Join date : 2009-08-13
Age : 113
Location : Sancta Terra
Favorite Epica song : Kingdom of Heaven
Consign to Oblivion
Chasing the Dragon

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 9:36 pm

Okay I might have just seen you for 1 milisecond XD
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Female Taurus Snake
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Age : 35
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Favorite Epica song :
Consign to Oblivion
The Obsessive Devotion

Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 10:45 pm

I know Laughing
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Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly   Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly I_icon_minitime

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Epica in Poznan, Poland 30.09.2010 -- review by magnoly
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